Choosing the Right Local Staffing Agency to Find a Job
Choosing the Right Staffing Agency as a Job Seeker
Working with a staffing agency is often a great way to find a job, especially during difficult economic conditions. However, not every staffing agency will meet your needs, even if you are open to most work opportunities.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you search for work:
Look for a staffing agency that focuses on the industries or job types you are most interested in
Not every staffing agency will expose you to the kinds of jobs you are looking for, especially if you are looking to work in a specific role or industry.
Many staffing agencies specialize in certain job types, such as warehouse and shipping roles or creative professions. Larger, more generalized staffing agencies may also offer these roles, but that isn’t always the case.
Before applying to a staffing agency, find out what kinds of positions they typically have open. You may be able to look on a job board or contact a recruiter for more information.
If a staffing agency does not offer anything that meets your needs, you can usually find another staffing agency that does.
Ask About the Staffing Agency’s Job Placement Statistics
Some staffing agencies seek to recruit far more job candidates than they actually have positions for. Others may not do a good job of matching workers to employers who are looking for their skills.
If you are a highly qualified, experienced worker with decent interviewing skills, you may not need to worry about receiving placements. However, inexperienced or less qualified candidates may find that they aren’t offered opportunities.
Ask recruiters about their job placement statistics, including whether they think candidates like you have a good chance of placement. If you have had trouble getting work on your own and are looking for a more skilled role, you may also want to consider whether the staffing agency offers job or interview training that can help you improve your chances.
Be open to temp, contract, and temp-to-hire opportunities

If you are like most job candidates, you probably prefer stable, long-term work. However, you may not always be able to get the kind of job you want. In our current gig economy, many employers prefer to hire seasonally or on an as-needed basis.
Fortunately, there’s an easy and profitable way to improve your chances of getting the long-term job you want: temp and contract work.
Many companies with long-term talent needs prefer to hire workers on a temporary basis so they can verify fit before making a permanent hiring decision. Even if your temp gig doesn’t turn into a full-time position, you will still be gaining experience and skills that will help you get the job you want later on.
Regardless of your goals, it’s a good idea to stay open to temporary opportunities. Temporary work is always better than nothing!
Don’t be afraid to say no to an offer
Signing up with a staffing agency doesn’t place you under obligation to accept any opportunity you are offered. If a recruiter contacts you about a job that doesn’t meet your commuting, compensation, or career development needs, it’s alright to say no.
Remember, a staffing agency is a resource for finding work. Only you can decide whether to take an opportunity or wait for something better. If the job isn’t the right fit for you, you aren’t doing yourself or anyone else any favors by trying to be somewhere you shouldn’t.
Looking to Find Work with a Staffing Agency?
LG Resources places job seekers throughout the U.S., although most of our jobs are in Utah. We are often able to place qualified candidates within 1-2 business days. We hire for a wide range of temporary and long-term jobs, including general and skilled labor, industrial warehouse, administrative, and professional roles.
We believe jobs can change lives, and we strive to help every job seeker we can. Create a jobseeker account with us today.
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